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Color Your JS Debugging: The Power of console.log Colors ❤️

Console Colors refers to the ability to add color styling to messages logged using the console.log() or other console function in JavaScript. This feature allows developers to visually differentiate between different types of messages or highlight important information in the browser console during debugging. The Importance of Colorized console.log() Messages This can help improve readability […]

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console.log in Chrome Extension Background Scripts: Simplify Your Debugging

To use console.log() in Chrome Extension Background Scripts, follow these steps: Access Your Background Script Open the JavaScript file that serves as your Chrome Extension Background Script. This file is typically specified in the background field of your extension’s manifest.json. Insert console.log() Statements Within your background script, insert console.log() statements at relevant points where you

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console.log in Chrome Extension Content Scripts: Your Debugging Made Easy

To use console.log() from a content script in a Chrome extension, you simply include the console.log() statements in your content script JavaScript file. Here’s a basic example: Create a JavaScript file for your content script, let’s call it content.js. Include your console.log() statements within this file. Make sure your manifest.json file includes the content script

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Access console.log from a Chrome Extension’s Popup Script?

I made the same mistake, and it had me stuck for a while! Most of the developers encountered this issue too! It’s essential to ensure that you’re inspecting the correct developer tools window. Sometimes, we inadvertently open the developer tools for the main webpage instead of the extension’s popup (i.e., popup.html). To access the developer

Access console.log from a Chrome Extension’s Popup Script? Read More »


JavaScript Debugging: Choosing console.log vs console.error

console.log() and console.error() are both methods used in JavaScript for logging messages to the console, but they serve slightly different purposes. console.log() console.log() is typically used for general logging purposes. It writes messages to the standard output stream (stdout). This method is commonly used for displaying information, debugging messages, or general program flow. console.log() writes

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